Thursday 9 September 2010

Report: Details Behind Triple H's New Executive WWE Job

The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Triple H's new job in WWE has been confirmed, and he is now formally an executive within the company. Triple H has been given a new office in the WWE headquarters located in Stamford, CT and his official job title is Senior Adviser. This essentially means he will be working directly under Vince McMahon.

Triple H's job responsibilities will basically be the same as they have been for about the past ten years, which have seen him assist Vince McMahon on the wrestling and creative end of the company. The new job title is more or less a formality, and now cements HHH as part of the corporate structure of WWE.

With news of Triple H being promoted in this way, some are looking at it as early confirmation that him and Stephanie McMahon will indeed be running the company once Vince decides to step down.

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