Sunday 5 September 2010

Matt Hardy Frustrated With WWE?

WWE Smackdown star Matt Hardy recently posted the following on his Twitter account:

"As u know, I'm extremely passionate about my job-I give everything I have every time I'm in the ring. Its frustrating when its not enough. Gotta state this. I'm sick & tired of being 'hurt', being misused, & not being shown the respect that I've earned-something has to change."

"As far as "kayfabing" people, I've never done anything intentionally 2 insult my fans-I just try to make things unpredictable & real for u. IMO, that's how pro wrestling should be.. Unpredictable & full of suspense-I try & keep that in mind. Cuz as a fan, that's what I want."

"For the record, I'm not "quitting", I don't have my head down & I'm as optimistic as ever-but sometimes, u gotta just say what's on ur mind."

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